Additional Field Monitoring Projects

Pacific Flyway Shorebird Survey

Do shorebirds count to you? Then help count shorebirds! PRBO Conservation Science is looking for volunteers to participate in a new, long-term shorebird research project called the Pacific Flyway Shorebird Survey (PFSS). This is a coordinated effort led by PRBO Conservation Science to determine shorebird population trends and inform shorebird conservation and management in the Pacific Flyway through monitoring and science. Find an on-line form to sign-up and everything you need to know on the PFSS web site. Also check out the Long-billed Curlew Volunteer Project, a project of PRBO, Audubon California, and the Los Angeles Natural History Museum.

Shorebird Monitoring at Lower Tubbs Island

Audubon California and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service need volunteers to help count shorebirds at Lower Tubbs Island as part of a tidal marsh enhancement project. Click here for more information. Contact Kerry Wilcox, Sanctuary Manager at Richardson Bay Audubon Center, if you would like to help 415-388-2524 (kwilcox AT audubon DOT org).

North Bay Heron and Egret Project

A collaborative project sponsored by Audubon Canyon Ranch and PRBO Conservation Science, this project monitors heron and egret nesting sites throughout the North Bay area. They are seeking volunteers for 2011! Click here to open a document with more information, or call ACR 415-663-8203 or send and email to

Bay Area Raptor Nesting Survey (BARNS)

A project sponsored by the Golden Gate Raptor Observatory (GGRO) to monitor raptor nesting activity. Inquire to GGRO about nest monitoring in various areas around the bay.. GGRO also trains volunteers to count and band hawks during migration.

Blue Oak Project

The goal of this project is to learn about the factors that influence Blue Oak habitat regeneration (severely threatened in California). The first season of volunteer work was completed in the spring of 2010, with study sites at Bobcat Ranch in Winters and other properties further north. This is a long-term project and there will be additional opportunities to participate in the future. Click here for more information. This project is part of the Audubon Landowner Stewardship Program.

Ash-throated Flycatcher © 2014 Dave McMullen Acorn Woodpecker © 2014 Dave McMullen Phainopepla © 2014 Dave McMullen Blue-gray Gnatcatcher © 2014 Dave McMullen Red-tailed Hawk © 2014 Dave McMullen

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