NSAS Email Sign-up and Comments Form

Use the form below to sign up for our email announcements, or to send us any question or comment. Your email address, name and city are required, so that we can give you a personal reply. We promise not to share your information with any other organizations. If you ever wish to stop receiving email announcements, we try to include "unsubscribe" instructions at the bottom of every email that we send. But you are also welcome to simply send us an email using this form asking to be removed from our email announcement lists.

Request Form:

Phone number:
Send me General Email Announcements
General Email Announcements will be sent to you usually once or twice per month, and these include information about upcoming events such as Monthly Meetings, programs, special events for family and children, etc. These announcements will tell you about a few special field trips but not every weekly trip.
Send me Field Trip Email Announcements
Field Trip Announcements will be sent separately to you once or twice per week, and these provide information about the destination and start time for the upcoming Saturday field trips. This email can be very helpful because often the destination for weekly Saturday trips are sometimes not decided until 2 or 3 days before the trip. This will also alert you quickly about any cancellation due to rain, etc.

Please tell us if any of the following apply to you (optional).

beginning birder
experienced birder
interested in field trips
interested in family or children's events
interested in Christmas Bird Counts
interested in volunteer opportunities
National Audubon Society member (past or present)
NSAS chapter member (past or present)

Request Form:

Phone number:
Send me General Email Announcements
General Email Announcements will be sent to you usually once or twice per month, and these include information about upcoming events such as Monthly Meetings, programs, special events for family and children, etc. These announcements will tell you about a few special field trips but not every weekly trip.
Send me Field Trip Email Announcements
Field Trip Announcements will be sent separately to you once or twice per week, and these provide information about the destination and start time for the upcoming Saturday field trips. This email can be very helpful because often the destination for weekly Saturday trips are sometimes not decided until 2 or 3 days before the trip. This will also alert you quickly about any cancellation due to rain, etc.

Please tell us if any of the following apply to you (optional).

beginning birder
experienced birder
interested in field trips
interested in family or children's events
interested in Christmas Bird Counts
interested in volunteer opportunities
National Audubon Society member (past or present)
NSAS chapter member (past or present)

(:template require state match='' errmsg='Post successful':) (:template require name errmsg="Missing name" :) (:template require email errmsg="Missing email address" :) (:template require city errmsg="Missing city" :) (:template defaults list1x="no":) (:template defaults list2x="no":) (:template defaults beginnerx="no":) (:template defaults experiencedx="no":) (:template defaults fieldtripsx="no":) (:template defaults familyx="no":) (:template defaults cbcx="no":) (:template defaults volunteerx="no":) (:template defaults nationalx="no":) (:template defaults nsasx="no":) (:template default mailto=d-mcmullen@comcast.net,solanobirder@gmail.com,napabirder@gmail.com:) (:template default subject="NSAS Request Form":)

Name: {$$name}
Email: {$$email}
City: {$$city}
Phone: {$$phone}

General Announcements: {$$list1x}

Field Trip Announcements: {$$list2x}


Beginner: {$$beginnerx}
Experienced: {$$experiencedx}

Field trips: {$$fieldtripsx} Family or chldrens events: {$$familyx} Christmas Bird Count: {$$cbcx} Volunteer opportunities: {$$volunteerx} National member: {$$nationalx} NSAS member: {$$nsasx}


========== Sent on {$$CurrentTime}

Ferruginous Hawk © 2014 Dave McMullen Oak Titmouse © 2015 Dave McMullen Yellow-rumped Warbler © 2014 Dave McMullen Red-winged Blackbird © 2012 Dave McMullen Phainopepla © 2014 Dave McMullen

(Click photos to enlarge)
All bird photos